

Jan Hartman, Jaap Nieuwstraten en Michel Reinders (reds.), Public Offices, Personal Demands: Capability in Governance in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic. Newcastle upon Tyne; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009. Te verkrijgen via


"Democratisering van Nederland 1848-1919", in Memo geschiedenis: handboek 3 vmbo-kgt. 's Hertogenbosch; Malmberg, 2016, 6-31.

“De Koude Oorlog”, in Memo geschiedenis: handboek 3 vmbo-kgt. 's Hertogenbosch; Malmberg, 2016, 110-135

Jan Hartman, Jaap Nieuwstraten en Michel Reinders, “Introduction”, in Jan Hartman, Jaap Nieuwstraten en Michel Reinders (reds.), Public Offices, Personal Demands: Capability in Governance in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic. Newcastle upon Tyne; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, 1-19


“In Debate with Machiavelli: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Political Thought at Leiden University”, in Hans Blom (red.), Machiavelli’s Heirs: Humanist, Tacitist and Politique Adaptations in the Dutch Republic. Leiden; Brill (verschijnt binnenkort)

“The Power of Custom and the Question of Religious Toleration in the Works of Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn (1612-1653): An Investigation into the Sources of the Transformation of Religion around 1700”, in Joke Spaans en Jetze Touber (reds.), Enlightened Religion: From Confessional Churches to Polite Piety in the Dutch Republic. Leiden; Brill (verschijnt binnenkort) 

“A Classical Confederacy: The Example  of the Achaean League in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic”, in Wyger Velema en Arthur Weststeijn (reds.), Imagining the Ancients: Republics and the Classical Past 1500-1800. Leiden; Brill (verschijnt binnenkort)

“History and Politics in the Dutch Republic in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century”, in Robert von Friedeburg (red.), Politics, Law, History and Religion in the Politica (1550-1650): Interdisciplinary Perspectives on an Interdisciplinary Subject. Hildesheim; Georg Olms Verlag, 2013, 85-110. Te verkrijgen via

“Empire, Economy and the Dawn of the Enlightenment: Some Explorations into Seventeenth-Century Dutch Intellectual History”, in Evert Schoorl (red.), The Enlightenment: Political, Economic and Social Aspects. Special issue of United Academics Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 15 (2013), 30-47. Beschikbaar op UA Journal

“Why the Wealthy Should Rule: Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn’s Defence of Holland’s Aristocratic Mercantile Regime”, in Jan Hartman, Jaap Nieuwstraten and Michel Reinders (reds.), Public Offices, Personal Demands: Capability in Governance in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Republic. Newcastle upon Tyne; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, 126-149.


Ingeborg Kriegsman, Hoop op toekomst: Belgische vluchtelingen in Nederland, in Kleio (februari 2017)

Freya Sierhuis, The Literature of the Arminian Controversy: Religion, Politics and the Stage in the Dutch Republic, in BMGN, Vol. 131, Nr. 3 (2016). Beschikbaar op

Sytze van der Veen, Groot-Nederland & Groot-Colombia 1815-1830: de droom van Willem I, in Kleio (mei 2016)

Helmer J. Helmers, The Royalist Republic: Literature, Politics and Religion in the Anglo-Dutch Public Sphere, 1639-1660, in BMGN, Vol. 131, Nr. 1 (2016). Beschikbaar op

Adam Zamoyski, De fantoomterreur: revolutiedreiging en de onderdrukking van de vrijheid 1789-1848, in Kleio (december 2015)

Ewoud Kieft, Oorlogsenthousiasme: Europa 1900-1918, in Kleio (september 2015)

Cordula Rooijendijk, Vrije jongens: een geschiedenis van de Nederlandse handel, in Kleio (juli 2015)

Yury and Sonya Winterberg, Kleine handen in een Grote Oorlog: verhalen van kinderen in de Eerste Wereldoorlog, in Kleio (april 2015)

Benjamin B. Roberts, Seks, Drugs en Rock 'n' Roll in de Gouden Eeuw, in Kleio (december 2014)

Rudolf Dekker, Observaties van een zeventiende-eeuwse wereldbeschouwer. Constantijn Huygens jr. en de uitvinding van het moderne dagboek in Holland Historisch Tijdschrift (augustus 2013). Beschikbaar op Holland Historisch Tijdschrift

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“Aartsreactionair Isaäc da Costa verlangde naar rust en stabiliteit”, in Kleio (november 2015), 24-27

“Background Information”, in Emily S. Smith, More Than a Hiding Place: The Life-Changing Experiences of Corrie ten Boom. Haarlem; Corrie ten Boom House Foundation, 2015, 7-11